Active Lifestyle


Active Lifestyle

Good health is the prime consideration of every individual for living a disease free and longer life. Good health does not mean only the physical aspect of life but all the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional aspects are included in it.

One can remain healthy by simply living an active lifestyle without taking any health supplements, which possesses several side effects too. An active lifestyle includes a healthy diet along with regular exercise and in addition to that, elimination of unhealthy food habits, such as consumption of excessive junk food, alcohol and smoking is also a part of active and healthy lifestyle.

Living an active lifestyle has many benefits both in the early as well as later stages of life. An active lifestyle helps you to build and maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints; controlling weight; increasing self esteem; reducing stress; and promoting social well being in both children as well as adults.

According to The Federal Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regular physical activity helps to decrease the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, colon cancer, diabetes, breast cancer, osteoporosis, obesity and cardiovascular disease and helps in the treatment of high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis and obesity.

A simple and active lifestyle can make you free from many diseases and the most important thing is you don?t have to make any extra effort for this. You can live an active lifestyle by making some simple adjustments and substitution in your ongoing lifestyle. For example, you should avoid the consumption of non-vegetarian food and opt for vegetarian food. It is recommended to use unsaturated fats, such as olive or safflower oil for cooking and baking purposes. Avoid eating processed and fast foods as they contain added sugars, sodium and trans fats that are not good for your health. You should keep this in mind that; a healthy diet includes at least 4.5 cups of fruits and vegetables, 3 cups of dairy and 3 oz. of whole grains daily before deciding your diet plan.

As far as physical activity is concerned, this is also very important for various aspects of health. An individual should have at least 30 minutes of physical activity on daily basis. However, if you are looking for a weight loss, then you should spend 60 minutes on physical activity on daily basis. The physical activity may include gardening, swimming, hiking, jogging and dancing. These physical activities stimulate the circulation of blood in the body and sweat that is extremely beneficial for health aspect.

Physical and Psychological benefits of active lifestyle

  • Regular physical activities enhance the coordination of muscles in the body and stimulate their strength, flexibility and stamina, which help you, remain active and healthy.
  • A proper and regular exercise provides you with a better posture that helps you in later stage of life and reduces the risk of injury.
  • A balanced diet or low calorie diet along with proper exercise helps you to maintain body weight and prevents you from obesity, which is a major cause for many other diseases.
  • Consumption of a low-calorie and fat-reducing diet helps you to improve the condition of your heart and prevents you from many heart disorders.
  • A balanced diet along with exercise also helps in intellectual gain and improved memory. A proper exercise increases the flow of blood and oxygen throughout the body including the brain and makes your memory sharp. In addition to that, it also enhances the immune system of the body.
  • An active lifestyle induces energy, discipline and self-confidence in you and makes you more energetic, efficient and productive in your work.
  • Active lifestyle helps you to accomplish good health and stimulates hormone levels in the body and helps you to regulate your mood, which prevents you from the feeling of depression.





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