Tulsi leaves for acne
The daily intake of Tulsi extracts assistsin removing acne and pimples. It benifits in total the body in many ways. also helps in beautifying the skin.
Take a bowl and add 3-4 teaspoons of dried basilleaves and some water. The leaves should be well powdered so that the oils of the leaves are retained. heat the mixture for 10 minutes before removing it. Allow the mixture to cool down. Apply onto pimple-affected areas on the skin with a cotton ball twice a day.
Wash face after sometime. You can also gently apply an ice cube your face to close the pores.
Try facial steaming. How facial-steaming helps is that it opens the pores. It improves the skin complexion visibly brighter and instantly smoother.
It can be done using some basil leaves and water. Boil the water and put in it some Tulsi leaves. Steam your face over the mixture for some 15 minutes. People with oily skin can also use lemon. Squeeze half a lemon into the mixture and that will make it very effective. After you are done, wash your face with cold water.
The combination of Tulsi leaves with Neem leaves also works wonders for the skin. make a paste of grinded mixture of Tulsi and neem leaves and apply it on the face. This homemade Tulsi pimple curing remedy is very effective at treating facial blemishes and acne.
lemon also serves as an excellent remedy for acnes and pimples. It makes them shrink and vanish gradually. Grind together some basilleaves with lemon juice and tulsi juice to make a thick paste. Apply the paste to on the affected area. Wash off completely after 15-20 minutes.