Weight Loss - Natural way of losing weight


Learn how to loose weight naturally, safely and without any side effect.

Mahaaushadhi.com's weight loss section provides detailed information on weight loss, Ayurvedic remedies, Yogic therapy, diet plan and many more tips on weight management. With the help of planned diet, yoga and Ayurvedic medicines you can loose wait without any side effect.

These days many people are struggling to keep their weight under control. Many people are also taking help of surgeries to reduce the weight. There are many possible complications of surgeries such as risk of pneumonia, Blood clots in the legs, Incision infections, hernia or weakness, narrowing of the opening (stoma) between the stomach, Anemia due to deficiency of iron or vitamin B12 etc... So, one should avoid surgeries to reduce the weight.

Ayurvedic medicines, good diet plan and Yogic exercises is good to reduce the weight. It's a time taking process but gives good result as compared to Allopathic medicines.

Obesity is very harmful as there are many health dangerous associated it. People suffering from Obesity are prone to heart disease, cancer, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. So, it's important to control Obesity at early stage and keep yourself healthy. Weight Loss will help you in preventing many serious diseases.






Treating Constipation with Ayurveda
Constipation or the hard to pass bowel movement is one of the commonest health problems all over the world. Here we have provided clinical definition, causes or contributing factors and how you can think of naturally treating constipation with Ayurveda.
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Constipation Treatment in Delhi
Constipation is one of the common health problems that occur due to our derogatory lifestyle, overstressed etc. The food habits, lack of sleep, stress, lack of physical exercise are the common causes of Constipation problem. For Constipation treatment in Delhi you can finds lots of health care centers throughout Delhi.
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Gouty Arthritis Diet
Gouty Arthritis diet should include food that does not increase the uric acid level in the body. Diet should be healthy and include food rich in Vitamin C, fruits, green leafy vegetables, etc.
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What is Reactive Arthritis
Reactive Arthritis aka Reiter's Syndrome is an autoimmune deficiency disease in which the immune system of our body attacks the cartilage of our joints and causes pain and inflammation.
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What is Gouty Arthritis and its Treatment
Gouty Arthritis is a treatable disease that is caused due to excess build up of Uric Acid in our body. Ayurveda treatment of Gouty Arthritis mostly depends on change in diet and Ayurvedic medication.
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